It is unreal how fast this fall is flying by – maybe it’s just the way the Jewish holidays fell, but it is *unbelievable* that October is over halfway over! This week has been par for the course around here.
We hit the street fair on Sunday – Cole and both scarfed down some yummy chicken satay.
On Monday, we went to a babywearing meetup at Turtleback Zoo, and Mommy took an obscene amount of pictures, so brace yourselves. If you’re not prepared for a bunch of adorable heading your way, you should just leave now. (Although, really, if you’re not prepared for a bunch of adorable, this is not the blog for you. That’s pretty much what we have here.)
Just chilling in this pretend giant eggshell.
Froggyback riding
I took Minnie on her first carousel ride!
There were lots of fake animals to ride at Turtleback Zoo.
Look! Bison! Also, about 3 seconds later, I showed Mommy how I somehow know how to climb a fence. At 21 months.
Cole fed the budgies!
The new dinosaur playground? Kind of awesome.
Cole liked it, too.
So many fun things to climb!
No, pretend dinosaur! Don’t eat Cole!
More climbing
So, umm, Cole was a toddler not so long ago. When did he get to be such a big guy?
Cole took a picture of Mommy and Daddy.
And then they took a silly selfie.
Cole was in a huggy mood, but I was kind of over it.
More family selfies!
The zoo made me tired.
But I don’t feel so bad for napping since Cole passed out, too.
Fro yo for lunch! Yay for 16 Handles!
Sometimes, if we are having a sloppy dinner, I go topless. We are very klassy in our house.
Snuggly snuggles.
This pic makes it look like I was having a good time at Mommy & Me music, but actually I threw a fit so we had to leave early.
Maybe I was just hungry because I was MUCH more cheerful at lunch with Mommy.
This photo is mostly because Grammy Boo thinks I am always cheerful and smiley, and that it’s only Cole who gets grumpy. Not so! In fact, I could probably teach him a thing or 2 about properly throwing a public tantrum.
Mommy made me a tutu and a hat for my witch costume, and I LOVE it. All the twirling! Originally, I was supposed to be a butterfly because Mommy got a costume at Old Navy last year on clearance for $1.50, but then Cole demanded that I be a baby witch, so that’s what I’ll be.
The train table at Barnes and Noble is our favorite.
Cole and I walked into Starbucks, ordered for ourselves, snagged a table, and shared his cookie while Mommy paid. If we could just figure out how to get our own credit card and maybe a driver’s license, we could do away with Mommy all together.
Cole looks concerned about traffic or the fact that our car has no rear-view mirrors. Loosen up, Cole. Whoo! Convertible!
Couch nap at Coach’s house!
Daddy has found that he is spending more quality time with his friend at work than with Mommy, so he is aiming for more date nights.
They went for sushi before Friday night services.
I found a comfy spot to sit for Henry Hugglemonster.
so did Cole.
We took family pictures on Saturday, so Mommy had to take pics to do some last minute wardrobe consultation via text.
Pictures made me tired, so I slept through the first half of our trip to Fairway.
I would have woken up if I knew they were giving out cheese samples!
Mommy said that Cole and I could play Legos before bed if we put them all away when we were done, and we totally DID. I took out the bins, and Cole helped sort. Mommy had one of those very brief parenting moments where she felt like she was doing something right.
Y’all have the most fun life ever! I feel like every time I see these posts I just want to ask you to adopt me! 😉 Love it! :)-Ashley