Battle Binky

When I was teeny and tiny, I didn’t like the binky. That right there? That’s me, sleeping without a pacifier plugged in my mouth. (Also? Look how *tiny!*) Anyway, I didn’t want or need a soother… but I also didn’t eat properly; I wasn’t holding my mouth correctly, so anything … Continue reading

Decidedly NOT Awesome

Usually on Tuesdays, I post something for my awesome things list, but instead I have to relate what happened yesterday. Yesterday morning was the last Music for Aarvarks class for the semester, and we were having a great time! In the last 10 minutes of class, though, we were all … Continue reading

Quiet Time

Mommy loves quiet time. Unfortunately, in a house with me and Henry (not to mention Daddy!), quiet moments are rare. Yesterday morning, Mommy was getting our stuff together in the kitchen and enjoying the silence from the living room. Henry was napping and she assumed I was happily watching Sesame … Continue reading


I know, I know – the state-of-the-sleep posts are boring… AND they were supposed to be over, given my pronouncement of sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago. But. Once again, sleep is an issue. Due to Tuesday’s vaccines or my new winter cold or both, I’ve been back … Continue reading