Quiet Time

Mommy loves quiet time. Unfortunately, in a house with me and Henry (not to mention Daddy!), quiet moments are rare.

Yesterday morning, Mommy was getting our stuff together in the kitchen and enjoying the silence from the living room. Henry was napping and she assumed I was happily watching Sesame Street.

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy…. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to assume?

and Daddy? Didn’t Mommy tell you to find a higher spot for your brand new box of tissues?

Sigh. Mommy and I apparently don’t have the same taste in games, because, AGAIN, I thought this was the most fun ever and she disagreed.

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  1. Have you been watching “Minute to Win It” again, Cole?! I mean, if people on TV seem to find it perfectly acceptable to see how quickly they can remove every single Kleenex from the box, it's only right that you should be allowed to as well. After all, you could get really really good at it and win a whole bunch of money!!

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