Cole decided that he wanted a turtle – AND that he wanted to pay for all of the materials and supplies on his own. But he is 10 and does not have a job, so how to make the money?
was born! Cole spent weeks researching and writing Best Pet Turtle Species in the World – he is taking authorship very seriously and even sent his manuscript out to pre-readers for blurbs. (It was met with unanimous acclaim!)
When he launched, Cole set a goal of $300, and then decided that he wanted to donate 20% of his proceeds to Turtle Conservancy. He has met his goal within a week of launching, but once he began deciding on purchases, he realized that some items cost more than he budgeted for, so he is continuing to publicize his effort.
To date, Cole’s Turtle Project has received donations from 32 donors, raised $85 for turtle protection worldwide, and sold out of the first printing. Our second shipment of books will go out after we receive them this week! To see more about Cole’s project, visit bit.ly/coleludwig – and please share with anyone who might be interested!