Our Week in iPhone Photos: 9/8-9/14

September started and we hit the ground running, and we haven’t stopped since!


IMG_1939On Sunday, we went to Touch-A-Truck at the JCC.

IMG_1950We got to drive all sorts of trucks and cars!

IMG_1956I could totally drive… you know, if my feet got within 3 feet of the pedals.

IMG_1978We even got a ride on the stretcher.

IMG_1987and Cole got to be the ice cream man!


IMG_2068We headed to the mall on Monday and Cole got to paint himself a new piggy bank.

IMG_2076He also tried out some fun hair mascara.

IMG_2077And we had a yummy lunch in the food court.


Tuesday was crazy = no pictures. Mommy and Daddy both had work during the day, and then headed to separate Meet The Teacher events in the evening.


IMG_2100I was having a rough time on Wednesday morning, and Cole got down on the kitchen floor with me to make me feel better.
IMG_2111I got it together and we went to see Aunt Angela at Coach’s house.


first day prek4Thursday was Cole’s first day of pre-K4!
IMG_2117I had a tantrum after dropping him off, and tuckered myself out completely.
IMG_2125I was very happy to see him again!
IMG_2140There was a CRAZY storm Thursday evening, which knocked power out all over the county, and toppled this tree around the corner from Coach’s house.


IMG_2153I *hate* when Cole goes to school and leaves me behind.
IMG_2155Seriously, Saddest EVER.
IMG_2163After we picked up Cole, we went to Panera for lunch and to Barnes & Noble to play!
IMG_2167I am Batman.
IMG_2179I bet this would be a really adorable pic if Mommy had bothered to focus. Oops!


IMG_2188Daddy and I are *totally* ready for Yom Kippur services.
IMG_2191My big brother is the handsomest, don’t you think?
IMG_2193Mommy thinks I’m pretty cute, too.
IMG_2203Cole wants to be adopted into Kaleb and Ari’s family – they saved him a seat at the Children’s Service, and we all got to play for a few minutes at the end. I LOVE getting to play with the big kids!

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  1. TOTALLY love the photo of Lulu at the school door.. one leg up and the other outstretched. Lots of emotion! Awww…. <3

  2. They are just ADORABLE! Y’all had a fun week! :)-Ashley

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