#GivingTuesday – Save the Date: 12/3/13

Giving Tuesday


We give thanks on Thanksgiving Thursday, and then we have Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday to get our shop on. – it’s time to add a new day to the week.

Welcome to #GivingTuesday™ – a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. It celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support nonprofit organizations.Families and individuals are encouraged to be generous in whatever ways matter to them, whether that means volunteering at a local charity or donating to a favorite cause.

Since Thanksgiving falls with Hanukkah this year, Cole and Lulu will be receiving a few new art supplies as their gift, and we will spend some time on Thanksgiving making holiday cards, which we are going to distribute at the nursing home on Tuesday, December 3.  Local friends, if you’d like to join us, you are more than welcome – or if you want to make some cards, we’ll give them out for you!

sm ambassadorI am honored to be a Social Ambassador for the #GivingTuesday campaign this year, spreading the word about this great idea! You can help, too! Here are a few ways to get involved:

  1. Tweet all about it! Here are some sample tweets to get you started –
    • Perfect antidote to overspending this holiday season? #GivingTuesday coming Dec 3! www.Givingtuesday.org @givingtues
    • Dreading post-Thanksgiving shopping? We have a better idea: #GivingTuesday. How will u get involved? www.givingtuesday.org
    • Q: What comes after Thanksgiving and before Christmas? A: #GivingTuesday! www.GivingTuesday.org @givingtues
  2. No Twitter account? No problem! Here are some sample Facebook status updates –
    • “The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.” – Albert Einstein via @GivingTuesday
    • How do you give back to your community? Share in the comments. Then join me for @GivingTuesday on December 3 to be part of giving’s opening day! www.givingtuesday.org
    • @GivingTuesday invites you to join a movement to celebrate giving and encourage more, better and smarter giving during the Holiday Season. How will you give back? www.givingtuesday.org .
  3. Are you busy pinning away holiday gift ideas and crafty fun? You can help #GivingTuesday on Pinterest, too!
    • Create a board of “ways to give back” that highlights ideas within your community.
    • Create a multi-media board with video, audio, images and articles that highlight how you have given back over the years.
    • Share the #GivingTuesday inspirational quotes pin board and add your own. http://pinterest.com/givingtuesday/giving-quotes/



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  1. YES, YES, YES!!! This is AWESOME!!! Giving Tuesday is a fantastic concept and we will most DEFINITELY be participating!! I’ll be tweeting about this RIGHT NOW!!
    What a great post!! –Lisa

  2. Pingback: Our Week in iPhone Photos: 12/1-12/7 » Love the Ludwigs

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