So much for that…

One of my resolutions for 2013 was to post more regularly in this space… and then I went almost the entire first week of the year without posting – oops! Not off to a particularly strong start.

We made it home from New Hampshire late-ish Tuesday evening, and then jumped straight back into real life.  School on Wednesday, play date yesterday, blah blah blah.  There was a time, say 3.5ish years ago, that vacations were a lot more restful and relaxing! We had a week off and I can’t quite recall most of it.  Cole and Lulu don’t really DO restful and relaxing…

Anywho. I’m supposed to make resolutions or something?  My only real resolution this year is to try to be more active: on the blog, with Cole and being present in the moment, with Lulu and catching her milestones in a less neglected-second-child kind of way, and with my pursuit of a career in childbirth education.  I’m *hoping* that Cole will resolve to make good choices, and to maybe SLOW HIS BODY DOWN once in a while, and Lulu could let me get some sleep once in a while – that would be nice. 74

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  1. That is the most precious picture EVER. Adorable! I sure hope you get more rest/sleep this year. I’ve been quite lucky over the past 3 years but I know that’ll change in march ;).

  2. I am trying SO HARD not to neglect The Bean’s baby book. It’s hard though!

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