Cole’s first day of kindergarten was yesterday – and we all lived to tell the tale. We took the obligatory first day of school pic:
(Grammy Boo opened the door from the inside right after this was taken and Cole fell backwards into the house. Oops!)
We waited for the bus:
And then I followed his bus to school like a crazy person… Actually, there was a coffee breakfast/intro to the PTA meeting at the school. But I did check in on the cafeteria, and Cole was sitting happily with his class (no pics because there are other children in those.)
According to his teacher, Cole had a rough morning – his inability to draw a perfect circle for his face in a self portrait led to a meltdown, and his discerning palate declined the chicken nuggets at lunch because they were served with rice rather than french fries, but he rallied and got it together for the afternoon. He asked one of his new classmates to marry him, but she declined. He did not ask his potential bride her name – petty details, right?
All in all, he jumped off the bus in the afternoon and claimed to have had a good day.
Indulge me in one more picture?
Lulu will also be heading off to school this year – 3 mornings a week in the 2s program. She can NOT wait! Unfortunately, she needs a little patience because her class doesn’t begin until the 19th…
He asked a little girl to marry him!? That’s my nephew.
Oh, that is not even his first marriage proposal – but usually they’re older women. Like 8 or 9 years old!
The teacher also had positive comments!
Oh my goodness, can you even stand the cuteness?! Love it! :)-The Dose Girls