Our Week in iPhone Photos: 12/1-12/7

Whew! It’s kind of a miracle that we not only survived this week, but took pictures! The next 7 days are only mildly less frantic, but at least we are only double-booked, and not triple-booked every night… and before we know it, it will be December break and we will have a week or so to breathe before launching into the spring semester. AND, there is a small possibility that we will have a 2 hour delay this morning (please, oh please!), and wouldn’t that be nice?


IMG_4796We had a nice quiet, lazy Sunday morning.
IMG_4798Even Henry snuggled up on the couch!
IMG_4801Grammy Boo and Mommy and Cole went to see Frozen, and Daddy and I went grocery shopping.


IMG_4828LOVE Aardvarks on Mondays!
IMG_4848I insisted that Mommy wrap me up in a towel and I danced around the kitchen for a while because I am a weirdo.


IMG_4904Only a teensy bit into our busy week and Henry couldn’t keep up.
IMG_4851Tuesday was GivingTuesday.
IMG_4854We distributed our homemade holiday cards at the local nursing home.


IMG_4886Mommy and I ran some errands on Wednesday, and I just couldn’t keep up.
IMG_4901Last night of Hanukkah!
IMG_4907Cole helped Mommy do some baking for his teachers.
IMG_4861I have a supercute Minnie Mouse shirt that I refused to take off at bedtime, so I slept with it on over my footie jammies.


IMG_4989Thursday was Cole’s school Hanukkah party, and the second day of auditions at Mommy’s school, so 99% of our pics from that day have other people’s kids in them.
IMG_4997I sat with Cole’s class for a story like a big girl!


IMG_5015I don’t even know. Friday was a whirlwind – Mommy and I went into the supermarket to pick up some ice cream for Sharing Shabbat, but I was too tired to walk myself.


IMG_5024Cole’s last Hanukkah gift was a gift card to pick out some decorations for his brand new fish tank.

IMG_5028He picked out some cute monsters.

IMG_5035We literally stumbled onto this chamber orchestra concert in Barnes & Noble; remind Mommy to tell you how that was the least fun ever, and how she made a daring escape. (For the record, the music was lovely – it was juggling two unruly children {wait. is that US?}, and trying to keep everyone quiet that was a bit stressful.)

IMG_5046See all my animals?

IMG_5054Shhh! Daddy is taking a nap in the kitchen.

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  1. Looks like a fun holiday time in your house! 🙂 Always enjoy seeing your pictures…they make me smile!-Ashley

    • I always feel like our weekly iphone posts must be boring for anyone that’s not one of the grandmas, but then 3 random people tell me that they love them. Good thing, since I rarely have time to get more proper posts up anymore… I used to actually write in this space, I swear!

  2. Pingback: A Look Back at 2013 » Love the Ludwigs

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