Our Week in iPhone Photos: 11/24-11/30

This week was Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and a few days off for Daddy, and now we are jumping into CRAZY overtime. From now until winter break we will be on the run – and if Mommy makes it until Friday this week she is going to need a very long nap.


IMG_4642Lazy Sunday morning
IMG_4646Hotdogs and a magic show at the temple Hanukkah party
IMG_4653Cole and Mommy went to a Hanukkah concert in the afternoon
IMG_4656That little tire pressure indicator? Strikes fear into Mommy’s heart. Luckily, Daddy added some air the tires and it went away.


IMG_4670We can NOT get a non-blurry pic of Cole’s AMAZING turkey hat because he is always on the run!
IMG_4674Mommy and I went to school to help set up for Cole’s Thanksgiving feast.
IMG_4677He looked so handsome!


IMG_4682Henry loves to snuggle up on the couch. IMG_4683I was in a GRUMPY mood on Tuesday morning.
IMG_4686We went for fro yo after we picked Cole up from school and that helped a lot!


IMG_4699Cousin Amy came to sleep over on Wednesday night, so we went out for lunch after we picked up Cole from school.
IMG_4710I ate all the calamari.
IMG_4720Then Mommy got some last minute shopping done while we dropped.
IMG_4724Happy Hanukkah!


IMG_4728Mommy made Samoa oatmeal for breakfast. Oatmeal with caramel sauce and chocolate chips and toasted coconut. YUM – make this now!
IMG_4733Mommy was ridiculously excited for Thanksgivukkah, and it did not disappoint. Cole led a rousing game of dreidel in the living room while the turkey was cooking.
IMG_4804Night 2 Lights
IMG_4807Dude. How much does Cole look like Daddy?
IMG_4745Cole made Mommy her beautiful necklace.


IMG_4752We spent Friday at Grandma’s house. I had breakfast with Aunt Becca
IMG_4758…and Cole played checkers with Uncle Jeff.
IMG_4759I went for TWO walks, and got to swing on the swings.
IMG_4760We ended up having Chinese food for dinner, where I ate half my weight in lo mein.
IMG_4768Night 3


IMG_4773Mommy took us to the ZOO on Saturday! Cole was not as excited as I was.
IMG_4780I have been talking about going to see the ‘raffes for WEEKS. Since it is winter in New York, it is too chilly for them to be outside, and we visited them in their indoor building. FACT: Giraffes look a lot bigger when you are closer to them, and they are a little overwhelming. I still like them, you know, but I didn’t really want to stay *near* them for too long.
IMG_4789You know what’s super awesome? The bug carousel. I rode a ladybug.

Send some positive vibes our way for this week, you guys – it’s a race ’til Friday!

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  1. Someone ate at The Cheesecake Factory! 😉 We were just there yesterday, too! Love seeing your family and all the fun you have! Makes me smile! :)-Ashley

  2. I really love how gadgets nowadays make it so easy to capture moments like these. Your family is beautiful!

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