You guys? This week was officially pretty crummy; I was sick at the start of it, and then Baby Lulu started up all her drama (maybe she’s tired of all the attention being on me all the time?), and so I didn’t get out of the house much from Sunday to Wednesday. By Thursday, I needed an adventure! Luckily, Uncle Matt is home from Australia on a visit, so Mommy and I were able to grab him, drop Baby Lulu on Coach’s lap, and run!
Our local mall is not Mommy’s favorite for a number of reasons, but for a much needed afternoon out, it was just what we were looking for. There is so much for a big boy to do there!
First, we hit up the Lego store, where I spent some time putting together mini characters, and the salesman gave me a sheet of stickers. Then, we went to the Disney store. I *love* the Disney store! There is a castle to play in, and a screen where they show movie clips and trailers and short cartoons. I gathered a few Beasts at the table and served them tea, which was maybe the cutest thing Mommy ever saw.
Then we went to Barnes & Noble to visit the train table – and it was my lucky day! Usually there are only one or two trains to play with, and other kids, but this time there were SIX trains and I got them all to myself for a while! I even have Uncle Matt a train to play with, as long as he adhered to my strict guidelines.
We were just about to go relieve Coach from babysitting duties, when I asked Mommy if we could go do one more thing.
I know. I’m Jewish. But the thing is? We believe in magic, and Santa. Mommy’s favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street (the original with Natalie Wood, not the remake), and she feels it makes a compelling case. And? If I’ve been a good boy all year, we just don’t think Santa would ignore me just because I’m not Christian – so he brings me *one* present. Anyway, we took Henry and Baby Lulu to visit Santa a few weeks ago, but Baby Lulu did NOT like him, so I thought I’d make sure her yelling in his ear didn’t make him mad at us. Turns out? Santa’s pretty forgiving and doesn’t hold a crying sister against a guy.
We’re pretty psyched to have made it to Friday this week, and Daddy’s last day of school before the break is today – yay!
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