According to my friend Teri and Google, a group of unicorns is called a blessing – which is possibly the best thing I’ve ever heard.
My group of friends is a blessing for sure.

A couple of weeks ago, I came across an article about a 6′ tall light up unicorn Christmas decoration and a dream was born; I had NO idea that a silver glitter unicorn with iridescent wings was what was missing from my life until I saw her, but then it was VERY clear I had to have her. I shared the link on my FB profile and my wonderful friends rushed in with encouragement. They brought their A-game justifying my need for this ridiculous lawn ornament. Katie and Shanna brought their religious and art history knowledge to point out that unicorns represented Jesus in the Middle Ages and Jesus was Jewish so obviously this was a member of my Jewish family. Kerry posited that the Magi rode unicorns on the way to Bethlehem, and Nichole volunteered to dress her up for Hanukkah with a menorah headdress – the horn as the shamash. Sara suggested that she is a Jewnicorn – the Jewish version of Santa’s reindeer, and Marlo reminded us that before the ram’s horn, the ancient Rabbis used a unicorn’s horn for the shofar. Such a shame that this knowledge is not passed down in most modern Hebrew schools. Caroline clinched it with the additional insight that “unicorn doulas were all the rage in BC Bethlehem… there was definitely one in the manger.”
I love my friends.
I don’t know if it is an odd reaction to the stress of this year, or just the fact that I am perpetually drawn to sparkly pretty magic, but that unicorn raced to the very top of the wish list in my head; and not just for the holiday season. She will be a year-round friend.
Last night, I got home from a night shift to a 6 foot tall sparkling unicorn on my front lawn. She is even prettier in real life, and as a total surprise was completely overwhelming.
My friends are incredible. This was such an act of love – these women have children of their own and lives and their own drama and I feel so loved that they coordinated to make this happen. You guys: there was ASSEMBLY required. Nichole may never get the glitter out of her van. I must know a lot of unicorns because this was a magical blessing. Driving up my driveway was the best moment of my entire year.

P.S. I figured out what makes her a “Christmas” decoration. She has holly on her butt. This just gets better and better. SHE HAS HOLLY ON HER BUTT.
P.P.S. She needs a name. Any suggestions?