This is going to be so quick, but it’s too long for a Facebook status update, and must be written down for posterity – so it has dragged me out of this weird unplanned blog retirement. I’m pretty sure world domination is in Cole’s future…
A little back story:
- We have sticker charts for various accomplishments in our household. When a child fills in the entire chart, they are able to buy a prize of their choosing, with a max price of $20. No, I don’t care to hear your opinion about flat-out-bribery forming the basis of my parenting. Cole completed a sticker chart last week so we headed to the mall last night.
- Cole has been planning his wedding to a little girl, S, in his class for months. Like, SERIOUSLY planning. A few weeks ago he asked me if it wasn’t time to order invitations.
The first store we hit at the mall was the Disney Store, mostly just to look around and keep Lulu happy. Cole saw that the Inside Out character plushes were Buy One Get One for $1 – so TWO Joy dolls would cost him $15.95, which meant he could get one and give one to S, all without going over his $20 limit. He was excited about that prospect, but said that he was going to keep it in mind after we went to Game Stop, which had been his original chosen destination.
We went up to Game Stop, where they had some Pokemon stuffed animals, which were EXACTLY what he wanted… but they were $12.95 each. Cole grabbed his favorite and brought it up to the register, where he had the following conversation with the sales associate:
Cole: I see that these are $12.99 each, but could you do 2 for $20?
Game Stop employee: … I’m sorry, no.
Cole: Welllllllll… I didn’t TELL S I was going to get her a wedding present…
*After reading this, I’m not sure how well it translates to type, but it was hysterical. What 1st grader haggles?!
So, I’ll probably be back in this space – hopefully more frequently than every 10 months (sorry about that), but in the meantime, have a gratuitous picture of Cole and Lu, just because it’s been a while.