Our Week in iPhone Photos: 4/21-4/27

Uncle Matt and Aunt Maya are here to visit! We’ve had so many fun adventures this week, and I can’t wait for the week to come.


IMG_7469We had dinner with Grandma on Sunday to celebrate her birthday, and we made a family trip to the grocery store.


IMG_7475Daddy claims I kick him in the head in the middle of the night all the time, but we look pretty peaceful to me!


IMG_7487Mondays are for Aardvarks.


IMG_7516We had lunch with Aunt Maya and Uncle Matt, and then took a trip to Barnes & Noble.


IMG_7521Family reading time!


IMG_7532These jeans right here? Haven’t fit Mommy in over 2 years.


IMG_7535On Tuesdays, Mommy has started teaching Hebrew school so we have a visit with Coach.


IMG_7546On Wednesday morning, we stopped by Cole’s school because it was spring picture day, and he didn’t want to miss it.


IMG_7552But then, we left early and did some shopping at Woodbury Commons! Cole was being a little bit of a silly monkey.


IMG_7555He is a pretty good stroller pusher, though.


IMG_7642Thursday was another big adventure day. Cole had lunch with Daddy and Uncle Matt, while I had lunch with Mommy and Aunt Maya and some friends.


IMG_7559Then we all met up at the Central Park Zoo.











IMG_7613Having so much fun is exhausting!


IMG_7617Cole got to be the Shabbat Aba at school on Friday, so we went to see him lead the blessings.


IMG_7635He also got to lead show and tell… right before his temper tantrum over not doing things his exact way.


IMG_7651We helped Daddy throw in a load of laundry.


IMG_7654Mommy and Cole and I went out to dinner with Aunt Angela – but I missed most of it.


IMG_7657Cole took a self portrait.


IMG_7667See that blur?  That’s Cole hurtling head first down the slide.


IMG_7670Cole at bat.


IMG_7679Does this not look like the most fun ever? Cole got to lie on his tummy on a scooter, and the party leader dragged him around with the hula hoop.


IMG_7702We spent the afternoon with Max and Sarah.


IMG_7704Mommy said the scooter was too big for me. I didn’t listen.


IMG_7723There was a high monster threat level on Saturday night, so Cole slept guarded by his attack dinosaur.


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