After a much-needed summer break, we are back to school and back to routine around here. We went to the beach and camping and to Rye Playland. We celebrated Cole’s 10th birthday and spent time with friends, and refreshed some energy.

Now it is mid-September and we are officially at the end of summer. With the break in Lulu’s appointment schedule, I was able to refocus on Cole and he had an evaluation which offered a new diagnosis for him. He has indicators for ASD level 1 (Asperger’s) – which really means nothing except that he will be eligible for different services under an IEP. He is the exact same quirky weirdo he has always been, but now we will be able to access tools to best set him up for success – and I think having a different framework of expectations helps other people understand him a little better.
We are back to all of our extracurriculars: Hebrew school is off and running, Lu is taking two types of ballet this year (Steeltoes FTW!), and Cole has switched to a new gym for a fresh start.
Lu’s surgery is September 26 – the Thursday before Rosh Hashanah. This allows her a few extra days before she has to return to school (this is a simple, outpatient procedure, but they also said that about the lumbar puncture and that was ROUGH, so I’m a little extra cautious this time around). It also means that hopefully we are beginning the new year having left a lot of baggage behind. Fresh Start.