Vacation week! Woot, woot! Except for we really didn’t do anything – it’s been more of a staycation this year, and then Mommy got sick on Thursday. Boo. But! Spring finally sprung around here, and we hit up a few playgrounds, so that was pretty great. PLUS, we had dinner with Michele, and Taylor, and Max, and Sarah, who are some of our very favorite people.
This is me, right before I tried to climb ONTO the kitchen table.
We spent Sunday
getting ready for the Seder at Grandma’s house while Mommy and Daddy got ready for the Seder. Daddy picked up takeout sushi for dinner and I stole half of the Philadelphia roll. Yum.
Monday was a Super Cole kind of morning.
Mommy spent the WHOLE weekend cleaning our house, but she accidentally put ALL the toys away. I helped her out on Monday morning by taking *everything* out again.
So, ummm, apparently good Jews don’t dye Easter eggs. And then serve them on the Seder table. Hmmmm.
This looks like a cute Mommy snuggle, but Mommy was just trying to keep me still and not taking everything out AGAIN for 5 minutes.
Mommy’s first attempt at a panoramic iPhone shot – it’s a little wonky, but mostly good – until you notice that Cole must have moved.
See? Normally his face isn’t like that.
I’m not really sure about the whole matzah thing.
Total Fail. No pics on Tuesday. We had a totally lazy day – Mommy had some errands to run so we all tagged along, but then Cole and I fell asleep in the car, and then we headed to 2nd night Seder at temple.
Look! The sun is out! Never mind that it’s freezing, it is SPRING. We had an Easter egg hunt and then hit the playground.
I was very excited to do the stairs By My Self.
We headed over to a nearby Thai place for lunch, and I was super happy to see the waiter coming with our food.
Cole really likes chicken satay.
Then Mommy and I went home for a nap, and Daddy and Cole went to the movies. Cole looks like he’s hording those Twizzlers, but Daddy assures us he shared. (He really enjoyed The Croods – two enthusiastic preschool thumbs up, if anyone’s thinking about going.)
Mommy woke up on Thursday SICK. She couldn’t really move, and apparently Cole and I climbing on her was Not Helping. so Daddy took us out for the day.
Another playground! Yay! Cold and drizzly, but we don’t care! Outside!
Mommy felt better on Friday morning, so we headed into the city. Cole made healthy choices at the Grand Central Market where we grabbed a quick little picnic lunch.
We went to see the horses!
Unfortunately, it was crazy crowded and you had to get their super early, which was just not going to happen, so we missed the dance. The horses themselves were pretty cool to see, though.
Cole made me stay awake on the whole car ride into the city, so by the time we finished our lunch, saw the horses, and fought the crowds to get on the subway, I was DONE. I may have had a bit of a meltdown.
I ended up taking a nice nap on Daddy’s back while we walked around the High Line.
We headed into Chelsea Market, where Cole got a lemon gelato. Even though I had woken up from my nap by then, no one offered ME gelato.
We were running a teensy bit close in getting back to the car before our coupon expired, so we grabbed a taxi. Cole was unimpressed – he prefers the subway.
Finally, the sun was shining AND the temperature warmed up! It was a beautiful day.
Cole took a ride on his trike, too – he can even pedal on his own now!
We went over to Max and Sarah’s house for a fun playdate. Michele is good reader.
We all went out to dinner together – hibachi!
Mommy’s show is coming up next weekend, so Cole and I will be seeing a lot of Coach this week, and we might not have many pictures to share next week, but we’ll try… Happy Easter to all of our friends who celebrate!
I’m so jealous your kids seem to do really well in restaurants. We struggle with everyone staying in their seats and not terrorizing the entire place.
Also jealous you guys are so close to the city – we have SO MUCH fun when we go but the to-from is just a liiiiittle too long for us to go very often.
Cole & Lulu have a LOT of practice in restaurants – and they’re not *always* amazing, but they’re pretty good now. Cole went through a phase for about six months or so where we couldn’t take him ANY where.
I love where we live – I’m such a shameless suburbanite. I could never live in the city – it would give me anxiety – but I don’t want to be too far from civilization. I think Adam wouldn’t mind living someplace more rural, but not for me!