Mission accomplished! We made it the required 3 weeks of cold and fever symptom free time and got toLu’s appointment early today – no traffic heading into the city. She changed into hospital jammies and calmly played and colored while they took her vitals and we waited for her turn. … Continue reading


Last Thursday was really hard and it pushed me right over some kind of edge where I had been teetering for the preceding few weeks. I had been barely holding on and that was a breaking point. I have since regrouped and just keep putting one foot ahead of the other. … Continue reading

Holding Pattern

Today was… disappointing. And stressful. AGAIN, I banked on making some progress and having a Plan and we got nothing. I update here because not everyone is on Facebook and so many people love Lulu that it is overwhelming to have individual conversations with everyone; it is easier to put … Continue reading

Maybe MRI?

Everyone has asked us 853 times what we need. And really, aside from cloning me and/or providing more hours in a day, there isn’t much. But we absolutely could use some good juju around here. Please send some misheberachs or positive vibes or whatever prayers you’ve got our way. Sending Love … Continue reading

No Big News

I started the day mindfully taking the morning off from stress and anxiety and heading to brunch with a friend to watch the demolition of the old Tappan Zee Bridge and share a day cocktail or two. There was some miscommunication and unanticipated crowds and I watched from outside for a … Continue reading