Back to Reality

After a much-needed summer break, we are back to school and back to routine around here. We went to the beach and camping and to Rye Playland. We celebrated Cole’s 10th birthday and spent time with friends, and refreshed some energy. Now it is mid-September and we are officially at … Continue reading

Remembering 2019

Two updates in two days is a little much, but I am nothing if not extra. Lu and I visited her pediatrician for a follow-up/check-in yesterday, and SHOUT OUT TO DR. ANDY. Per his official recommendation, under doctor’s orders, we have canceled all of our specialist appointments for the next … Continue reading


So the “vacation” I referenced in the last post was maybe something of a misnomer; we have not really stopped attending to all of the various issues so much as slowed down a bit. Lu had an orthopedist appointment the DAY I posted where he referred her for some physical … Continue reading


The first 6 months of 2019 were not my favorite. Except when I started playing Athleisuremag. Lu’s medical concerns were the first and foremost cause of stress, but the tension took an emotional toll on all of the rest of us, too. We have been having a rough time. After … Continue reading

Just Keep Swimming

Everything with Lu sort of calmed down after the MRI. Her symptoms are still there, but they are stable and we still don’t know what’s behind them so we can’t really be proactive. There likely won’t be any new, big information until we start talking about eye surgery in the … Continue reading

Three Months

Lu’s fall and the knee fracture may not necessarily be connected to her subsequent symptoms, but it seems like the starting point of the health concerns and doctor visit merry go round we have gotten trapped on. She fell on December 27. Her eye crossed January 6. The third issue … Continue reading


Sigh. Last week, Neurologist called with the MRI report and seemed convinced that the excess spinal fluid was the cause of at least some of Lu’s issues if not all. Unfortunately, after he spoke with Neurosurgeon, he rescinded that answer. Our Neurosurgeon visit today offered no further illumination; the pineal … Continue reading

An answer

Our amazing neurologist called yesterday morning and while he had not personally seen the scan yet, he had spoken to the radiologist and there is something there. #NOTATUMOR, but there IS extra fluid on her spinal cord – pretty much all over, from her neck down to the lower spine. He has referred us to … Continue reading