Last Thursday was really hard and it pushed me right over some kind of edge where I had been teetering for the preceding few weeks. I had been barely holding on and that was a breaking point. I have since regrouped and just keep putting one foot ahead of the other.
Lulu’s leg is healing really well. She is thisclose to ditching the crutches entirely and even has permission from the ortho to try walking without the brace at home.She is doing great! Her cold cleared up practically the moment we left the hospital so here’s hoping her rescheduled MRI appointment on 2/28 goes off without a hitch. I sought a referral for another pediatric urologist, but the earliest appointment they had was 3/28. They DID say I could call back each day and see if there was a cancellation, but that’s definitely not something I could add to my plate; good thing we have Grammy Boo! I passed off the phone number and that task to her.
Cole needs a new/different medication as what he is on currently no longer helps him like it should. Unfortunately, that’s not a super simple process as he needs to gradually step down and then go for some testing before starting the new one – which means we are in for a rocky few weeks. Sorry to Mrs. T and all of his other teachers. We are trying our best.
Next week is February break and last fall *before* Grammy Boo and Coach knew that all of this was going to happen, they invited the kids down to North Carolina for a visit. No backsies! I am on call so I will be home without children while Aunt Angela and Cole and Lu are off on an adventure – I am the teensiest bit gleeful at the prospect of a little bit of rest.