Father’s Day Photo Shoot Outtakes

Mommy procrastinated on a Father’s Day gift this year and was *really* grateful when my plea for toddler friendly suggestions yielded an easy looking photo project from Kaswin.

She picked up a few wooden letters from Michael’s, found vaguely coordinating outfits for me and Baby Lulu, and bribed Cousin Amy into helping with the photo shoot with math tutoring and a trip to Costco (sidenote: Have you guys *been* to Costco on a Friday afternoon? Holy free samples, batman!).

We had a *very* quick photo shoot out in the courtyard and came up with some usable shots for Daddy’s present:

We also, however captured a few not-so gift worthy moments…

 Lulu was hoping that the letter D was made of food – she is SO ready for solids!

 She was *not* happy to find it was boring old wood.

 She didn’t love when I told her to stop chewing on the A either.

Lest you think my baby sister was the ONLY one wrecking Mommy’s dream of perfectly photogenic children:

 Cheesy toddler says cheese.

But Mom, I AM holding the letter up!

I better start stalking Pinterest for some ideas for next year…

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  1. Haha we were totally going to do this too, except I never went out to buy the letters. I'm sure that my version wouldn't have been any better. Motion blur letters, more likely.

  2. Ummm, cheesy toddlers say cheese is ADORABLE!!! I can't believe you left that one out. LOL

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