Happy Hanukkah Holidays

Apparently, there is this whole group of people who boycott stores that use the phrase “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”

Seriously? Some people have too much time on their hands.

Some of us were talking on Twitter the other day about the etiquette regarding sending out holiday cards; in 2010, there is virtually no way that *everyone* in your circle of friends and family celebrates the same holidays and shares the same traditions. So, is it okay wish your Christian friends a Happy Hanukkah? Or your Jewish neighbors Merry Christmas?

I think yes. Here’s the thing: let other people wish you well. Mommy sends out Hanukkah cards because we are Jewish and that is the holiday we celebrate – even if you don’t light a menorah, we can still hope you have a warm and happy holiday season. Similarly, we are not offended by Merry Christmas – someone is wishing joy upon us – take it where you can get it!

That said, we are somewhat religious schizophrenic, so maybe that colors our perceptions. Yesterday, I visited Santa at the mall and today? I’m headed to Tot Shabbat.

Let’s move on and talk a little more about that mall visit, though. Yesterday, in line with the rest of our week was go-go-go (Mommy and Daddy have not been home at the same time during waking hours since last Friday). First, Mommy and I went to the post office and I “helped” send out those holiday Hanukkah cards. (So if your stamp is crooked? That’s one I did.) We had one or two small errands to run, so we headed off to the mall.

Note: Our county is small – this journey is *maybe* 10 miles and should have taken 15 minutes, tops. Due to the fact that, for some reason, Rockland County decided to save ALL of their roadwork and construction projects for the holiday season because there isn’t *enough* traffic, it took us over an HOUR. This is only relevant because it means I took a nap in the car and, therefore, was a teensy bit cranky upon our arrival.

In our local mall, Santa’s spot also includes a little train ride. Mommy thinks it is the lamest train ride ever, because it really just goes in a circle a few times past H&M – but I? knew right away that the thing I wanted most in the WORLD was to ride that train.

I went right over to the barrier and watched it for a while and shook the gate, all the while softly “choo-choo” ing under my breath. Mommy took the subtle hint and we walked over to the entryway only to find that 1) It was only for children – Mommy couldn’t come on with me, and 2) it was only for kids 36″ and up. Undeterred, as the kids who were just finishing up exited the ride, I slipped past them and climbed right up on the seat. By myself.

Mommy tried to tell me I was too small, but the conductor lady said it was okay, so she buckled me up. I waited while a few other lucky kids got into their seats and then off we went. As the train started moving, I waved bye-bye to Mommy and looked at all the stores as we passed them by. (Seriously, I waved and yelled “buh bye!” and Mommy almost died of the cute.)

The train only made three circuits, though, and then it stopped and my heart was BROKEN. It was the worst EVER. SO SAD.

I was VERY upset (obviously), but Mommy consoled me with snacks and we went over to see Santa… I was not a big fan. (You’ll notice this post contains no “Santa and Me” pic.) He was pretty cool, though, and gave me a lollipop (“pop!”) even after I yelled in his ear and made this face:

So, to review this epic post:

  • Feel free to wish me well on whatever day you want and I’ll do the same.
  • Trains? Awesome. Choo-choo!
  • Santa? He’s okay. I’d kind of rather skip the lap part and go straight to the lollipop though.

Happy Hanukkah to ALL my friends, Jewish or not!
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  1. Oh my god, Cole on that train?!!? My heart totally melted! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! He looks so tiny and wee next to all the other kids! I'm so happy the conductor let him ride!!

    Happy Hanukkah!!!

  2. I've lived in NY for too long. I say Happy Holidays and send non-denominational cards. If I know someone is Jewish, of course I wish them a Happy Hanukkah but if I don't know, I err on the side of caution…

  3. O my gosh,he is adorable. And getting so big.
    Also, I'm with you. I'm neither offended by Happy Holidays or sworn to using it. If someone is offering me a bit of holiday cheer instead of giving me the side eye for being in a little bit too much of a hurry or taking their parking space, I'll take it and return the favor. I think we overthink the happy holidays vs. merry christmas vs. whatever. Accept the holiday greeting, give one in return, smile and move on.

  4. I'm with you regarding the “holiday” greetings. Up until this year I have done the politically correct thing and done “Happy Holidays” cards. This year, though, I went with “Merry Christmas!” Because that is what I celebrate. I'm sorry if my cards are offensive to anyone that receives them, but it is holiday cheer any way you look at it, and that is what I want to say. I'll obviously wish my Jewish friends Happy Hanukkah, so Happy Hanukkah to you and your family. 🙂

    And Cole on the train? AWESOME! What a persistent little guy. I'm so glad he got to ride. I don't think Bryce will have pictures with Santa this year either. We're going to give it a try this weekend, but I think I know how it is going to go…

    Have a great week!

  5. In NYC everyone is Jewish, and yet we have Christmas trees too. I did a post on this for care 2, and I wrote it up on my personal blog too. I created a list of things to get angry about instead of the whole merry christmas/happy holidays thing. You know, things like famine and orphans dying.

  6. and cole is SO TINY on that train compared to the rest of the kids. Absolutely adorable!!! Also, we need to hang out while I'm on winter break. I want to meet the little man!

  7. this year I ordred MErry Christmas cards mostly casue i liked the layout the best. and i sent cards because it is CHRISTMAS cause I am catholic. great post!

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