Last year, Mommy sent out a family Hanukkah card with a picture of Henry and me on it, and we’ve been getting ready to continue the tradition this year. We’ve been scouring the internet and the various custom stationery sites for the *perfect* card design.
Mostly, we’ve been a bit disappointed. There are a TON of cute, whimsical, and fun Christmas cards, and then a bunch of pretty nice generic holiday cards, but very few Hanukkah-specific designs.
Until we got to the Shutterfly site. Hurray! Finally, a decent selection of cards for the Jews out there.
Mommy loves this one – colorful, unique – it even has stars!
and this one – nice big photo space, and the message, “Shine Bright” just sounds nice – AND more stars:AND, on the off chance we can’t choose just ONE photo, this one’s modern, simple, and clean-looking:
Not Jewish? Never fear, Shutterfly has awesome designs for those of you who celebrate Christmas, the overachievers who send out Thanksgiving cards (really? Is this a thing that people do?!), and the procrastinators who get themselves together by New Year’s.
Hmmmm… I may have to bookmark those New Year’s cards – by the time we make a decision on a design AND pick a picture, it might be time for Valentines!
Oh, and did you think I forgot? Nope – I’ve got winners to announce!
WeeMasonMan’sMom, who Mommy is going to make buy some lottery tickets because this is her SECOND win from us in 2 weeks!
So, ladies? Get back to Mommy by Friday to claim your books – other wise we’ll have to pick a new name.
Thank you! Just sent the email =)