Welcome to My New Friends

Hi! I’ve picked up a few new followers over the past few days since I’m participating in NaBloPoMo, so I figured I might introduce myself to my new friends – *especially* since I just realized last night that the link to my Who’s Who page was broken in my menu bar.  Oops! I’ve fixed it now, so feel free to check that out, but I also wanted to share some vintage posts for those who may have missed them.

Here are a few of the most visited posts on the site:

Swimming Tips for Toddlers – I *love* to swim, and I’m pretty good at it if I do say so myself! I shared some tips for starting your kids out young…  Included in that post are 1) maybe the cutest 30 second video ever, and 2) a pretty disturbing photoshopped picture of me as an Olympian. Enjoy!

Celebrity Look Alikes – General consensus is that Mommy looks like Jennifer Aniston, and Uncle David remembers Dax Shephard.

Meet Jane – People on the interwebz must be nosey busybodies because this was just a post about Mommy’s new car, and it’s in my top 10! 

Best iPad Apps for Toddlers & Best iPhone Apps for Toddlers – I am SUCH a techy toddler; I think I use the iPad the most of anyone in the family, and I can navigate Mommy’s iPhone better than Grammy Boo.  I think I’m going to run an updated favorite apps post soon, but I stand by all of my initial suggestions.

Play Hard, Nap Hard – This is a WAY old Thousand Word Thursday post.  It’s funny: as much as I *loved* that Jumperoo? Lulu? NOT a fan.

How {Not} To Plan a Party, New Years at Noon, Oh Toodles! A Mickey Birthday Party, & Dinosaur Tea Party – We. Like. To. Party.  And apparently? You guys do, too. Either that, or you are just amazed at Mommy’s party-related insanity; Daddy might cut her off from Pinterest!

How To Make a Woody Costume with Little-to-No Creative Ability – Apparently, I am not the only toddler out there with a Toy Story obsession. This is BY FAR my most visited and pinned post – it seems like there must be a million kids who dressed up like Woody this year! {If you did dress up like Woody, I’d *love* to see how yours came out – leave a link in the comments!} Maybe you’d like to dress up like Thomas next year?

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