Our Week in iPhone Photos: 12/30 – 1/5

Time for  Suzanne‘s weekly link-up! I’m not sure why everyone is so tired this week – except we raced back from vacation and smack back into reality with barely a blink in between.  Mommy says vacation was much more relaxing prior to kids… and that close proximity to me and Cole for the week may mean that Uncle Matt won’t be racing towards parenthood! We had a good time, even if it wasn’t the most restful. The boys had fun assembling and disassembling their toy train rails while the girls play with their tea sets and small houses.

The only time I got to rest during the day was spent mostly browsing doll houses on Product Expert for my niece’s upcoming birthday. I promised her last year that we would get her this very cute sesame-street-inspired tiny house and I have to find it fast as the dollhouses are quickly getting out of stock at the local toy gift store.What a week!



Cole went to tot open gym at the local elementary school and got to play with tons of toys.

IMG_3979Mommy and I went shopping with Grammy Boo at Town Square.

IMG_3982We stopped for a bottle and coffee to warm up before heading back to the house – you guys? New Hampshire is FREEZING.

IMG_3984Then we came back and hung out with Uncle Matt for a little bit.


IMG_3998New Year’s Eve started out with a story time at the Curious George Cottage. Cole and I had a tea party.

IMG_4007I snuggled ONE George…

IMG_4019while Cole hoarded the rest.

IMG_4022I checked out the books on the doll house shelves and practiced my standing.


That was a pretty tiring morning, so I went to take a nap while Cole and Daddy went to the game room.

IMG_4036   When Daddy came back, we had more tea!


And Cole built a rocket ship with his magna tiles.

IMG_4049Cole tried to ring in the New Year, but didn’t quite make it.



We spent ALL day in the car coming home on Tuesday, and I napped.  Mommy was not really thrilled that I was wide awake when we got home, because *she* was pretty beat.



We jumped right back into regular life on Wednesday – Daddy went to work, Cole went to school, and then we hit up McDonalds for lunch and to play.


I’m still kind of too little for the play space, but I do like hanging out with Cole anyway. Also? I’m a big fan of french fries!


I was so happy to see Daddy when he got home from work!



This was 2AM. Mommy does this thing where she waits for me to fall asleep and then takes a picture; she’s kind of a stalker. This 2AM wake up might be why this is the ONLY picture from Thursday – we were tired!



I am almost a year old, so I’ve quit my morning bottle.  Big girls use straw cups.


Big girls also climb up on rocking chairs all by themselves and rock so maniacally as to give their mommies heart attacks.  At least in this pic I am *sitting* on the chair.



We will have a whole separate post on our trip to the botanical gardens – it might have been one of the highlights of Cole’s life.


He was *almost* as excited to meet Thomas as he was to meet Mickey last year.  He *loved* the show!


It was really fun to see all of the trains set up.

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  1. My kids would turn green with envy at those magna tiles – Evan LOVES playing with his friend Cora’s but I haven’t been willing to spend so much on one toy.

    I can’t wait to hear about the botanical gardens, it sounds amazing!

    • Cole got really lucky and Grandma got him those magna tiles off his wish list for Christmas – he has played with them EVERY day since. I left them on his wish list because he likes them so much – we could use more pieces! *I* like that they are so simple: no lights, no sound, no screen. Imagination play for the win!

      So much fun at the holiday train show at the gardens – and 27,000 pictures!

  2. Lulu, you are beautiful just like your Mama 🙂 It looks like you guys had a great week! Oh and Parker got his rocking chair taken away because he used it as a weapon of opportunity against the dog. SMH

    • Aww, thanks! I’m trying to imagine how Parker used the rocking chair as a weapon – hysterical! Cole is constantly yelling at Henry for making “poor choices.”

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