Picking Up the Check – Thousand Word Thursday

You know how a picture is worth a thousand words? Thursday posts showcase a favorite photo, past or present, of me and/or my family and friends.

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  1. Well I know who is buying dinner when I win the lottery and come to visit!!!

    Wait, given those circumstances, that probably wouldn't be right, would it?? LOL

  2. Ha! What a gentleman, paying the bill and all!

  3. I am following you through the blog hop. I am also a children's author. Please follow back at http://thecryptocapersseries.blogspot.com

  4. I'm you newest follower, Your blog is the custest! You can check out my blog here

  5. Wish blogging were around when my kids were little! Great way to document their life!
    Great site!
    Following from the blog hop!
    Hope you can follow me too:

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