Morning Mischief

When Mommy and Uncle Matt were little, Coach and Grammy would borrow CDs from the library to listen to on long car rides – this was long before DS’s (which probably would have made Mommy car sick anyway) and headrest-embedded DVD players. In between backseat games of Uno (Uncle Matt is a big cheater), car games (don’t EVER go against Coach or Uncle Matt in any trivia competition), and read-alouds from Grammy (I Should Have Stayed Home: The Worst Trips of Great Writers is a family fave), they would pop in a CD.

Broadway showtunes were a crowd pleaser, and each family member would have the opportuinty to commandeer the stereo for a short time for a disc of their choice – but the best for long trips were audio stories. Usually, Grammy and Coach brought recordings of old radio shows, but on one occasion they found a collection of anecdotes from some storytelling festival.

They ALL wish they could remember the name of the CD or where they borrowed it from; even Mommy’s endless Googling has been fruitless. This particular recording spawned two family catch phrases:

  1. One story was a tale recounting a boy’s love of a particular old radio show. The narrator had a distinctive voice and a mild speech impediment common to young children – he had difficulty pronouncing his r’s. The comic value comes in the fact that the show he referred to (over and over again) was called Red Rider. He enthusiastically related that show’s tagline multiple times over the course of his performance. Now, you can yell “Wed Widew, Wed Widew” to any member of Mommy’s family and be immediately answered with, “Get ’em up, Pinto!”
  2. No one claimed Mommy’s family wasn’t a little strange.

  3. Another story’s author told of a time that he and his sister got into some mischief in a room away from their parents. Nobody can quite recall all the details of the anecdote, but essentially there was a crash followed by the child calling out a reassuring “Nooooooo trouble here!”

This was a very long introduction for the following post, but you needed just a bit of background.

Since Mommy gets up with me most mornings, Saturday nights are Daddy & me time. This Sunday morning, Daddy was changing my morning diaper and could hear Henry doing something in the other room. Unable to just leave me on my own, Daddy was helpless to do anything but call Henry, who – to his credit – came running. He walked into the nursery and looked innocently up at us.

Nooooo trouble here!

Apparently, Henry wanted to go on his own vacation and was trying to mail himself away…

The payoff there was hardly worth the lead up, was it? Sorry about that – happy Monday, folks!

If YOU have a better pet story than this one, link to the blog hop below!

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  1. That's a cute dog. Loved your story.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a cute dog! LOL Coming over from the Pets Blog Hop….already following you with both of my blogs. Stop by and visit when you get a chance.

    ** Deleted original post, because I had something else in my copy and paste. LOL

    Tree aka Mother of Pearl

  4. Dear 'Cole' – Henry's got 'smart' stamped all over him! 🙂
    Lovely post and great pic!
    Coming here via MckLinky's Monday Blog Hop.

  5. Very cute story indeed! Thanks for sharing in the Blog Hop.
    Linda at SmithSoup

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